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Course / Course Details

Computer Forensics

  • Joy Jesubi image

    By - Joy Jesubi

  • 34 students
  • N/A
  • (0)

Course Requirements

Learning the cyber forensics course does not require any specific prerequisites. However, it would be beneficial for learners to have some prior knowledge of forensics and how cyber security works here. It will help you understand the concepts covered in the course more easily.

Course Description

In this Introductory course, you will learn how to analyze and carry out deep forensics and digital investigation. You will be exposed to practical concepts adopted in carrying out computer forensics and will be able to apply what you learn to real life scenarios.

Course Outcomes

In this course, you will learn:

  • tools used in computer forensics,
  • techniques,
  • how to start an investigation,
  • basic concepts and terms,
  • preserving of evidence etc

Course Curriculum

  • 6 chapters
  • 12 lectures
  • 0 quizzes
  • N/A total length
Toggle all chapters
1 MODULE 1: Overview of Computer Forensics

2 How Computer Forensics Work

1 MODULE 2: Preparing for Analysis

2 Data Aquisition Explained

1 MODULE 3: Chain of Custody

2 Preserving Digital Evience Explained

1 MODULE 4: Defining Cyber Crime

2 Basics of Cybercrime Investigation

1 MODULE 5: What is Network Intrusion?

2 What is Network Intrusion

1 MODULE 6: Forensics Imaging Tool

2 tools used in computer forensics


5 Rating
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285 Students
5 Courses

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